The Candid_nonprofits dataset contains the most important information about nonprofit organizations and the work they do. This can be used for a variety of purposes, including to identify organizations by cause area, location, or size.

Candid gathers this information from a variety of trusted sources, including:
• the IRS
• Financial record
• Candid research
• Self-contributed data from nonprofits, via Candid profiles.

Below is a sample of the data you would find in the Candid_nonprofits dataset. Learn more about working with this data in our guide on identifying nonprofits.

Field NameSourceCandid Description
record_idCandidUnique filing identifier
candid_entity_idCandidCandid's unique organization identifier
einBMFEmployer Identification Number
legal_idsDerivedList of the legal IDs and ID types used by the organization
organization_nameBMF, 990, EZ, PFOrganization name
organization_aka_namesDerivedAlternate names and name types for the organization
missionProfile, 990, EZThe organization's mission statement
website990, EZ, PFMain website of the organization
organization_logoProfileURL of organization logo file
candid_profile_linkDerivedLink to the organization's Candid profile
candid_seal_levelProfileCandid Seal of Transparency earned. For more information, visit:
candid_seal_yearProfileYear in which the organization received their Candid Seal of Transparency
candid_seal_imageProfileURL of the organization's Candid Seal of Transparency
leader_nameProfileFull name of the organization leader
leader_titleProfileFormal title of the organization leader
organization_phoneBMF, 990, EZ, PFTelephone number for organization
number_of_employees990, ProfileNumber of employees at the organization
ruling_yearBMFThe year of the ruling or determination letter recognizing the organization's exempt status. If an organization's exempt status is revoked and then subsequently reinstated by the IRS, the ruling year is reset to the year of the reinstatement
group_exemptionBMF, 990, EZGroup Exemption Number, a four-digit number assigned to a group of organizations falling under a central/parent organization holding group exemption letters
revokedBMFIndicates if the organization's tax exemption status has been revoked for failure to file a Form 990 for three consecutive years
defunctBMFIndicates if the organization has not appeared in the BMF for over 6 months and is defunct, or no longer in operation
mergedBMFIndicates if the organization has merged with another
bmf_statusBMFIndicates if an organization is on the most recent IRS BMF, meaning it is currently recognized by the IRS as tax-exempt
pub78_verifiedPub78Verified organizations appear in the Pub78 file and have been recognized by the IRS as eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions
allow_online_givingProfileIndicates if the organization allows online giving, for online platforms only
demographics_submitted ProfileIndicates if the organization has submitted demographic information on their profile
demographics_leaderProfileDemographic categories for the organization leader or co-leader
parentDerivedIndicates if an organization is designated by the IRS as a parent organization (affiliaton code 6 or 8)
subordinateBMFIndicates if an organization is designated by the IRS as a subordinate organization (affiliaton code 7 or 9)
independentDerivedIndicates if an organization is designated by the IRS as an independent organization (affiliation code 1 or 3)
grantmakerCandidIndicates if the organization is a grantmaker. Candid defines a grantmaker as an organization that has made at least one grant
headquartersCandidFlag indicating that this organization has been identified as the principal organization in a group of organizations that are national in scope. This is not an exhaustive designation
primary_contact_nameProfilePrimary contact name
primary_contact_titleProfilePrimary contact title
primary_contact_emailProfilePrimary contact email
primary_contact_phoneProfilePrimary contact phone
organization_donation_linkProfileLink to the organization's donation platform
care_ofBMF, 990, EZ, PFThe person (officer, director, etc.) to whose attention any correspondence should be directed
address_typeDerivedType of address
street1BMF, 990, EZ, PFStreet name of the organization's main address
street2BMF, 990, EZ, PFSuite or apartment number of the organization's main address
street3BMF, 990, EZ, PFOther address information, primarily for non-U.S. organizations
street4BMF, 990, EZ, PFOther address information, primarily for non-U.S. organizations
cityBMF, 990, EZ, PFCity from the organization's main address
admin1_codeBMF, 990, EZ, PFAdministrative or state code from the organization's main address
admin1_descriptionDerivedAdministrative or state name from the organization's main address
postal_codeBMF, 990, EZ, PFPostal code from the organization's main address
country_codeDerivedCountry code from the organization's main address
country_nameDerivedCountry name from the organization's main address
formatted_addressDerivedFull formatted address of the organization
latitudeDerivedLatitude of the organization's main address
longitudeDerivedLongitude of the organization's main address
subject_codesProfile, DerivedPhilanthropy Classification System (PCS) subject codes describing the area being supported. Multiple codes are possible for an organization and will be separated with semicolons. For more information, visit:
population_served_codesProfile, DerivedPhilanthropy Classification System (PCS) population codes describing who is being supported. Multiple codes are possible for an organization and will be separated with semicolons. For more information, visit:
organization_type_codesDerivedPhilanthropy Classification System (PCS) types codes describing the organization. Multiple codes are possible for an organization and will be separated with semicolons. For more information, visit:
ntee_codesDerivedNational Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) codes and descriptions. For more information, visit:
subsection_codeBMFThe codes shown under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, which define the category under which an organization may be exempt. For more information, visit:
subsection_code_descriptionBMFDescription of the associated subsection code
foundation_codeBMFDenotes the classification and support structure of a nonprofit organization
foundation_descriptionBMFDescription of the foundation code
sustainable_development_goalsDerivedUN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number and description. For more information, visit:
financials_source990, EZ, PFType of Form 990 filed
fiscal_yearDerivedFiscal year end or year of the period end date
period_end990, EZ, PFTax year end date
months_coveredDerivedMonths covered by the tax filing, or the number of months between period_begin and period_end
total_revenue990, EZ, PFTotal revenue for the current year
total_expenses990, EZ, PFTotal functional expenses for the year
total_assets990, EZ, PFTotal assets at the end of the year
total_giving990, EZ, PFTotal contributions, gifts, and grants paid during the year
total_liabilities990, EZ, PFTotal liabilities at the end of the year
currencyDerivedCurrency of provided tax information
a_133_audit_performed990An A-133 audit or also known as a Single Audit is required for a nonprofit organization to complete if they spent $750,00 or more in federal funds in one year. Did the org undergo the required audit or audits? (Y/N)
required_to_file_990t990, EZ, PFIndicates that the organization is required to file a 990-T.
demographics_last_modifiedProfileDate of the last change to demographics information. For more information, visit:
profile_last_modifiedProfileDate of last update to Candid profile
seal_last_modifiedProfileDate when the organization's Candid Seal of Transparency was last modified
financials_last_modifiedDerivedDate of last update to organization's financial information
last_modifiedCandidDate of last modification to any information provided